Award Applications
With company resources sometimes stretched, putting your business forward for awards is not always top of mind.
Often the application process is simple and easy; other times not so much. Either way, entering the arena and trying to win a business award allows you the opportunity to compare your company with others in your industry.
The entire exercise of nominating your business could hold more value for your company than actually winning the award. Winning a business award provides a credible third party endorsement for your company.
Depending upon how prestigious the award is, it could give a stamp of approval on your business. Customers and vendor partners will feel better about their business relationship with your company. Awards can be an overlooked tool in your business toolbox. Simply being listed as a nominee for an award can improve brand awareness and promote your business to new customers. Winning an award opens doors to new business and new contacts. Dovetail Creative have a track record in creating awards applications that ensure their clients stand out from the crowd resulting in shortlist status and many of which going on to be the overall winner!